The Casino Culture Code
Reigniting Your Brand
November 12, 2020, 11am PST, 12pm MST, 1pm CST, 2pm
Consider the day you received the call offering you a new job. It was such great news! Your life would change in so many ways. You showed up for your first day and maybe went through orientation where some very excited trainers told you all you could ever need to know about the company and how to make the most of your time while you’re there.
Then, you started working. Some days were great; some were not so great, by hey, that’s why they call it “work.” Right? You are living your casino dream.
But what does it mean to you and your life? Imagine 100, 200, 300, or even more team members asking themselves the same thing every day.
Every casino has a culture and a brand, which first lived as a dream and eventually became a reality. It is the purpose, the “why”, you and your team members commit to creating every day. But has the dream become something of a nightmare? And how did that happen?
A recent Gallup poll shows that only 41% of U.S. employees strongly agree that they know what their company stands for and reveals that only 36% of employees are currently engaged. In comparison, 14% are actively disengaged, meaning they “have miserable work experiences and spread their unhappiness to their colleagues and customers.”
It’s not surprising, given how the global pandemic, civil unrest, and economic slump have affected our lives. We’ve all had to pivot and forge new practices. But, have we forgotten our WHY?
Join casino marketing warriors Julia Carcamo and Meera Rosser as they lead a lively discussion to help casino leaders, operators and marketers uncover your why, align your culture and brand, plus create the X factors that will engage your team members and guests today and tomorrow.

Julia Carcamo
As president and chief brand strategist at J Carcamo & Associates, Julia serves casino properties from coast to coast, providing brand strategy, creative services and marketing training. She is author of the newly-released Reel Marketing: The Art of Building a Casino Brand. Julia is also founder of Casino Marketing Boot Camp and Casino Marketing Monitor.

Meera Rosser
Meera Rosser is a casino marketing veteran who is committed to creating cultures, building brands, and establishing service standards and communications solutions to enhance the guest and employee experience.